You are here: Check-in User Guide > Assisted Mode > Search Methods

Search Methods

Check‐in allows you to search for participants in many different ways. The preferred way is the last four digits of the phone number (can be home or cell/mobile). Typically, it’s easier to hear numbers in a crowded hall than to hear how to spell a name. However, phone number may not always work if this information is missing or has changed for a household. The following table describes each of the search methods and what information is required.

Method Description
Last 4 digits of home or mobile phone number Touch the numbers on the touch screen that correspond to the last 4 found in the participant’s home phone number. For example, a phone number of 469‐442‐0100 touch 0100 on the screen. This option also searches for cell phone numbers that are associated with the household.
Last Name, First Name Touch the letters that correspond to the letters in the participant’s last name. The last name is all that is required, but to speed up your search and return specific households, touch the comma button and type the first name as well. Partial names can be used to make searching faster. For example, for participant John Smith, type smi, joh.
Bar Code Scan Use a barcode scanner attached to the computer where Check‐in is running. Scan an item with a barcode number. Any individual associated with that barcode will appear.
Confirmation Code When using Fellowship One WebLink’s Event Registration tool, a confirmation code is assigned to every registrant and is printed on the confirmation message. This code can be entered to locate the participant.

Searching by Name

In cases where a number search fails to return the participant, you can search by name. The recommendation is to use partial name search as this is specific enough to locate the correct household/participant but not so specific that you filter out a potentially miss-spelled names.

For example, if the participant's name is George Washington, search in the following ways:

Tip! Help your church prevent duplicates by searching in at least two, if not three, ways before adding a new participant.